If you turned on the television in the early
2000’s you probably remember all of those Chrysler commercials about having a
“Hemi”. And if you’re anything like the rest of us, you probably sat there
wondering what the heck a hemi is and whether or not you need one.
A hemi is a type of engine. It is an internal
combustion engine whose cylinder’s roofs are of hemispherical shape (hence
“hemi”) as opposed to the normal flathead engine. One of the benefits of having
a hemi is that the area of the combustion chamber (the part of the engine where
the fuel is burned) is smaller than a flathead engine’s. With less surface
area, there is less space for fuel to spread out and cool off, ultimately
keeping the gas at its optimal combustion temperature and providing for better
gas economy. In addition to the smaller surface area, a shape of a hemi allows
for larger valve size. Larger valve’s allow for a more fluent control of air
and liquid mixtures, allowing for a smoother performance.
All of this sounds really great, but do you need
a hemi? Well, not necessarily. Modern technology has allowed for smaller fuel
tanks, so there is less worry about fuel not burning at optimal temperature.
Additionally, as it turns out, having more valves is more efficient than larger
valves. Unfortunately, if more valves were put on a hemi, because of the hemi’s
shape they would stick out at crazy angles that would not be efficient for an
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